ভারতীয় যুব কম্পিউটার সাক্ষরতা মিশন

A Nationwide Computer Literacy Mission Organiged by kandi Global Computer Center
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Computer Institute, Regd. Under T.M Act. Govt. of India
India's Largest Computer Trainning Organization Affiliated by Govt. Of India

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Personal Details of Center Head
Centre Infrastructure Details
Centre Communication Details
Required Documents (Upload Scan Copy of Below Documents)


  1.   IYCLM means INDIAN YOUTH COMPUTER LITERACY MISSION, a programme designed and developed by Kandi Global Computer Centre, Regd. Office Kandi. Msd.
  2. IYCLM Course means information about a specific subject, developed by Indian Youth Computer Literacy Mission or organized by managing authority of IYCLM into a sequence of instructor –based presentation to be offered to a class of students. The course definition includes the scope of materials to be presented, Student exercise and the number of student contact hours associated with the course.
  3. IYCLM course materials mean all IYCLM provided materials related to a IYCLM education course.
  4. IYCLM authorized site means a facility that meets some criteria. IYCLM Authorized Training Centre (ATC) for use in delivering the IYCLM operates the facility.
  5. Effective date means the on which the agreement was signed by the ATC.
  6. Expiration date means the date closet to not exceeding 364 days from the effective date.
  7. ATC means IYCLM’s Authorized Training Centre.


The purpose of the agreement is to authorize the DMF by Kandi Global Computer Centre to conduct IYCLM Program.

The term of Agreement is to unless terminated earlier as provided in the agreement, will commence on the effective date and will automatically expire on the date. Nothing contained in this agreement should be interpreted as requiring either ATC or IYCLM to renew extend the agreement. If the agreement is extended, the previous expiration date or the otherwise expressly agreed.

ATC’s/DMF Obligation :

  1. ATC Status: - ATC must employ at least one/ two instructor and one office staff .If ATC has multi sites at least one instructor per site is highly recommended.
  2. Course delivery & Curriculum: ATC will deliver IYCLM authorized classes in professional and competent fashion. Each student will be supplied with separate, unused course material for use not limited to the classroom.
  3. Training schedule: ATC should be agreed to conduct classes as per the schedule given by IYCLM.
  4. Examination evaluation: Student examination evaluation has to be done by the ATC must have to send the result by speed post, e-mail or fax within three (3) days of the completion of every examination.
  5. Course Materials: ATC will use course materials supplied by IYCLM only
  6. IYCLM Authorized Training Centre programs description: ATC agrees to review the Authorized Training Program Description, which will be sent to as and when change is incorporated.
  7. Software Product: ATC /DMF agree that DMF will use all legal Software. 

Course Documentation :

  1. Course materials: ATC will distribute the course materials as and when they are available.
  2. No reproduction of Materials: All IYCLM education course materials are copyrighted and may not be reproduced.
  3. Certificates of Completion: IYCLM will give course completion certificate to each student who qualifies in the final examination.  

Student Satisfaction

  1. ATC agrees that the high satisfaction to students is a condition of ATC continued authorized by IYCLM.
  2. Problem Reporting: ATC will report to IYCLM for all suspected and actual problems with any course materials or course.
  3. Brand Image: ATC will conduct business in a manner, which reflects favorable at all times of the course, goodwill and reputation of IYCLM.
  4. Honesty: ATC will avoid making false or misleading remarks with regard to IYCLM or its course.
  5. Commitment: ATC agrees to take reasonable measures to ensure student satisfaction. 

Payment Term(Renewal Fees)

The Second party agrees to pay the renewal Fees to the First Party total amount 2,000/-(Two Thousand only).

IYCLM reserve the right to review and audit the training level, documentation, performance level of ATC’s staff facilities and equipment on a quarterly basis. A IYCLM representative may conduct either by specific appointment or by unannounced attendance of ATC’s training class for the audit. If anything is wrong the IYCLM can take any step against the ATC’s authorized person. 


The parties agree that the courts at Kandi will have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any claim or dispute between the parties in connection with or arising out of this agreement including any dispute as to the existence or validity hereof.
